Piano Lessons Etobicoke   is the number one   location for theory   lessons in southwest   Toronto

What levels of Theory do you teach?


I teach rudiments, harmony and music history, following the Royal Conservatory of Music series or independent series such as Mark Sarnecki or Gloria St Germain. If you are looking for a theory teacher who will prepare your child for RCM theory exams, you’ve come to the right webpage. If you simply want a more casual program so that your child can better understand the music they are playing, I can tailor the program to your wishes.





Do you help high school students studying theory in school?



Yes! Non-musicians taking band in high school often find music theory a challenge and the course moves too fast for them. I can help your mark to go from barely passing to 95%+.


music theory near me

How qualified are you?


I studied with rudiments and Basic Harmony and History with Joe Ringhofer. For my advanced levels, I studied with Alexander Rappoport, former head of the RCM theory department and U of T Faculty of Music instructor, for my advanced theory levels.



I have a special knack for explaining complex music theory concepts in a clear and simplified form which makes it easy for even your students to understand them. I have had children as young as 8 years old write a basic rudiments exam and score a “first class honors with distinction” mark. I’ve been teaching music theory for 25 years.



I am a certified teacher with the Ontario College of Teachers and a certified Royal Conservatory of Music teacher.



Do you prepare students for Conservatory exams?


Absolutely! Most of my theory students prepare for exams so they can get their official Conservatory grade-level piano certificate and also to be able to use their piano+theory to get  a high school credit.